One Shot

CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION FOR NEW ART AND MECHANICS***Mobile app game developed for android and iOS that is a runner type game where you play as a time looper trying to get back home but there's only one shot to jump in the correct time portal, this was made in unity. Orignally this was a class project but I decided to take the idea and advance it. The theme for this game was "One Shot," My group originally adopted the weekly theme name as the actual name of the game. Some art credit goes out to these people: Leonie Yue for the smoke particle, Axel for character, getlost for ground, Sir_g for ground/boxes, Kim Kresan for trees, and Magic4walls for the city backgrounds.

***The Controls***
Space to jump. Q to hook grapple(go upwards). E to swing grapple(go sideways).

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